Hearts of iron iv patch
Hearts of iron iv patch

hearts of iron iv patch

Further tweaks to AI front assignment to attempt to reduce bad stuff happening in multi front wars. Should mean AI is better at multi front wars. Improved AI naval deployment to strategic regions Moved Claims in Baltic up the historical focus list for soviet Added Women in Aviation to historical focus list for soviet Made non-core states count as half compared to core states when deciding on number of units for area defense. AI containment score no longer goes massively negative if a major is farther away than germany meaning Allies can guarantee vs soviet aggression if they are worse than Germany Soviet and Germany should no longer bail from the Unholy alliance as soon as they can AI is now properly checking if having common enemy when looking at asking for and granting military access, and is also more eager to do Neutral countries now consider guarantees when deciding on which faction it would rather join. Having a common enemy will now make AI very accepting to granting and accepting military access as long as both are democracies. The AI now launches naval invasions against the same enemy area at the same time rather than separately. Improved unitcontrollers capability to recognize when units should join as support in a combat (effects both player and AI).

hearts of iron iv patch

Tied countries naval base IC fraction to their naval AI focus, primarily meaning Germany will not be building as many of them, at least initially. Tweaked area defense and pocket handling AI to be better at handling coastal defense. Germany should no longer replace their divisions with templates from Austria. Made AI capable of determining if a template was created by them or not. Added a define for min steps for unit controller to strategically redeploy to front location and boosted it from 4 to 8 to reduce lots of small redeployments along fronts. Should keep Allies from going guarantee crazy while in wars. Tweaked guarantee desire to go down the more enemies a country has. Tweaked up AI production balance for infantry equipment. Added scriptable AI strategy to tweak factory assignment to equipment types and SIGNIFICANTLY boosted fighter production. Tweaked down AI desire for motorized a bit. Air mission AI is better at prioritizing the most important regions in stead of getting stuck in local optima of groups of regions. Tweaked deployment AI to not get crippled when their armies are taking damage. Now possible to start from scratch with an empty division template by selecting New in the designer drop down Added achievements indicator in game setup telling you if you can get achievements or not It is now possible to set a command group to execute orders in different manners: carefully, balanced, and rush.

Hearts of iron iv patch